Swimming lessons with real attention

zwemles in kleine groepen bij van der wal sport

Swimming lessons with personal attention

Looking for swimming lessons in Amsterdam where every child really deserves personal attention? Then Van der Wal Sport and Swimming Academy is the perfect choice. We are a private swimming academy that gives swimming lessons to small groups Van der Wal is the right place for both ABC swimming lessons and swimming skills!

Always safe swimming lessons

Swimming lessons at Van der Wal Sport- en Zwemacademie are swimming lessons in small groups, with lots of personal attention for the child. We look at each child’s needs, potential and specifics, and create a lesson plan accordingly. Swimming lessons are supposed to be fun, and the more fun it is, the faster children can be safe in the water!

Private swimming lesson Amsterdam

Swimming lessons in small groups

Personal attention

Fun during swimming

Swim ABC

Go for your A, B and C diploma and show that you are confident in water!

Swimmings skills

We offer plenty of opportunities to improve your swimming technique!

Swimming lessons with a disability

Every child is special, there is no doubt about that But some children need some extra support. We offer special swimming lessons for these children.

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Swimming locations

zwemles amsterdam noord

Amsterdam Noord

Pool De Werf
Address: Klinkerweg 75

mirandabad, van der walsport

Amsterdam Zuid

De Mirandabad
Address: Mirandalaan 9

Why choose a private swimming academy?

Private swimming lessons offer many benefits for your child. Because we work with small groups, your child truly gets the attention he/she deserves. Swimming lessons are also perceived to be a lot more fun by the children because of this.

In addition, a private swimming academy like ours offers a wide range of specific swimming skills that children can learn. In addition to the traditional swimming ABC courses, children can also come to us for swimming skills training, snorkeling lessons or survival swimming. We also provide swimming lessons for people with disabilities. View all our possibilities for swimming lessons in Amsterdam!

“Super fun small swim lessons, highly recommended”

Team Van der Wal Sport-& Swimming Academy


CEO and swimming instructor

sandra van Van der Wal Sport


Swimming instructor

daphne van Van der Wal Sport


Head of Administration

Swimming lessons Amsterdam

Ready for personal swimming lessons in Amsterdam? We give swimming lessons in two well-known swimming pools in Amsterdam, namely De Werf and De Miranda Bad. For swimming lessons in Amsterdam Noord, it is best to choose De Werf. For swimming lessons in Amsterdam Zuid, De Mirandabad is the best option for you. View all opening hours for these swimming pools on this page. Interested in our rates for swimming lessons in Amsterdam? We use different rates for ABC swimming and swimming skills. You can find them on our rates page.

The most fun & safest swimming lesson ever

Our swimming lessons give a lot of attention to each individual. We see that this really benefits the children’s swimming skills. Smaller groups of swimmers also ensure that swimming lessons are a lot safer. And then swimming will also be a lot more fun! The more the children like it, the faster they can swim, for example. Discover our swimming possibilities! Do you have questions? Don’t hesitate to send them a Whatsapp or a call (06 – 53 11 61 54) or send an e-mail to info@vanderwalsport.com.

🎄 Kerstvakantie sluiting 🎄

Beste klant,

Van 22 december t/m 5 januari zijn wij gesloten in verband met de kerstvakantie.
Vanaf 6 januari staan wij weer voor je klaar!

Wij wensen je fijne feestdagen en een sportief nieuwjaar!

Met vriendelijke groet,
Team Van der Wal Sport