Swimming lessons with real attention

Explanation of Swimming Diploma

zwemdiploma's A, B en C

We work with the A-B-C diploma from Swimming Education Netherlands. The difference compared to the regular A-B-C diplomas from NRZ or Sep and Sop diplomas is that after achieving our A diploma, you can immediately swim in a pool with slides, currents, and play equipment. Your child will be safe and comfortable in the water. Survival swimming is additionally taught in the B and C diplomas.

With the Swimming Education Netherlands A-B-C diploma, higher demands are placed on the swimmer. All diplomas include swimming with clothes on. In the A diploma, it’s with summer clothing, in the B diploma, it’s with autumn clothing, and in the C diploma, it’s with winter clothing.

Lots of personal attention for each child

Relaxed and cheerful way of learning to swim technically well

At their own pace and in a natural manner.

Yes, I want to register

for the Swim ABC program!

At Van der Wal Sports and Swimming Academy, we use the A-B-C diploma from ZwemOnderwijs Nederland. The difference with the regular A-B-C from NRZ or Sep and Sop diplomas is that after obtaining our A diploma, your child can immediately swim in a pool with slides, currents, and play equipment. Your child will feel safe and confident in the water. Survival swimming is taught in addition to the B and C diploma.

zwemles amsterdam

After obtaining your swim diplomas, what's next?

More than just swim ABC

At Van der Wal Sports and Swimming Academy, you can obtain your A, B, and C swim diplomas. But did you know that you can also come to us to further improve your swimming technique? In addition to swim ABC, we offer refresher courses and freestyle crawl training. Register now!

Swimming lessons Amsterdam

Ready for personal swimming lessons in Amsterdam? We give swimming lessons in two well-known swimming pools in Amsterdam, namely De Werf and De Miranda Bad. For swimming lessons in Amsterdam Noord, it is best to choose De Werf. For swimming lessons in Amsterdam South, De Miranda Bad is the best option for you. View all opening hours for these swimming pools on this page. Interested in our rates for swimming lessons in Amsterdam? We use different rates for ABC swimming and swimming skills. You can find them on our rates page.

🎄 Kerstvakantie sluiting 🎄

Beste klant,

Van 22 december t/m 5 januari zijn wij gesloten in verband met de kerstvakantie.
Vanaf 6 januari staan wij weer voor je klaar!

Wij wensen je fijne feestdagen en een sportief nieuwjaar!

Met vriendelijke groet,
Team Van der Wal Sport