Swimming lessons with real attention

Information waiting list

The waiting time right now is about 1 year.
If you want to be sure for a spot with us sign up as soon as possible!

As soon as it is your turn we will contact you by phone.

We will also call you if there is space on a different day or time than indicated on the registration form.

Currently, spots are available on Wednesdays and Thursdays! At our location at De Mirandabad. Are you on our waiting list and would like to start swimming lessons here? Then send us a WhatsApp message with swimmer’s name and customer number or call us. 

🎄 Kerstvakantie sluiting 🎄

Beste klant,

Van 22 december t/m 5 januari zijn wij gesloten in verband met de kerstvakantie.
Vanaf 6 januari staan wij weer voor je klaar!

Wij wensen je fijne feestdagen en een sportief nieuwjaar!

Met vriendelijke groet,
Team Van der Wal Sport